Welcome to the Sugar Blue Burlesque Academy Terms and Conditions
These Terms and Conditions govern the use of academy.sugarblueburlesque.com (“the website”) and the purchase of any goods or services from it.
Acknowledgment and Acceptance of Terms and Conditions
Please note that by accessing, using or browsing this website you agree to be bound by its terms, conditions, disclaimers and limitations of liability (“Terms and Conditions”).
Sugar Blue Burlesque Academy reserves the right to amend or update such terms, conditions, disclaimers and limitations of liability at any time without providing notice to you. By using the website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions.
Course and Workshop pre-booking fee exchange/ refund policy
When you book into a pre-paid course or workshop, you agree to the following: The course/workshop fee is non-refundable. If you are unable to attend a course that you have booked for, please let us know ASAP, so that we can fill your place. If you advise us at least 4 days beforehand, then your course fee can be credited towards another Sugar Blue Burlesque course or workshop at a later date, or you can transfer the booking into another name.
Limitation of Liability
Any liability of Sugar Blue Burlesque or Sugar Blue Burlesque’s associates in connection with goods or services supplied to you will, subject to any non-excludable liability for breach of conditions or warranties implied by legislation and to the maximum extent permitted by law, at the election of Sugar Blue Burlesque, be limited to:
- in relation to goods, the replacement or repair of the goods, the supply of equivalent goods, the payment of the cost of replacing or repairing the goods or the payment of the cost of obtaining equivalent goods; and
- in relation to services, the supplying of the services again or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again
Copyright in the Sugar Blue Burlesque Academy website is property of Sugar Blue Burlesque. Material on this website also comprises copyright material, trademarks and registered trademarks which are the property of Sugar Blue Burlesque. This property may only be used for the purposes of browsing the academy.sugarblueburlesque.com website and acquiring goods and services of Sugar Blue Burlesque.
Applicable Law
These Terms and Conditions are governed by the laws in force in Australia and you irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Australia and any courts, which may hear appeals from those courts.
Virus Warning
All care is taken to ensure that academy.sugarblueburlesque.com website and data transmissions are free from viruses. However, it is your responsibility to scan any such data for viruses.
We treat all customer information in accordance with our Privacy Statement.
Questions/Changes in Policy
If you have any questions or concerns with respect to these Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us. If elements of our Terms and Conditions change, we will post the changes in this section of our website.